M A R I J E  K A N I S


BiebBeep: An Interactive Screen for Supporting Public Library 2.0 Information and Social Services,

Marije Kanis, Wouter Meys, Mettina Veenstra, Maarten Groen & Wout Slakhorst, Extended abstracts of CHI 2011, 2011 [more info]

Beyond Advertising: Large Displays for Supporting People's Needs and Activities in Public Space,

Mettina Veenstra, Marije Kanis, Maarten Groen, Wouter Meys & Wout Slakhorst, Proceedings of the CHI'11 Workshop on Large Displays in Urban Life, 2011 [download]

Telemonitoring for Assisted Living Residences: The Medical Specialists' View,

Sean Alizadeh, Sander Bakkes, Marije kanis, Marijn Rijken & Ben Krose, Proceedings of the Med-e-Tel 2011; The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Educational, Networking and Business, 2010, 75-78 [download]

Making mundane pleasures visible: Mediating daily likings with lightweight technology,

Marije Kanis & Willem-Paul Brinkman, Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Special Issue on Social Interaction and Mundane Technologies, 2010, 14(3) 261-269 [download]

Positive expressive technologies for social wellness,

Marije Kanis , PhD Thesis, Brunel University, United Kingdom, 2009 [get it here]

HCI for positive change,

Marije Kanis & Willem-Paul Brinkman, Proceedings of CHINL'09, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2009 [download]

Designing for positive disclosure: What do you like today?

Marije Kanis, Willem-Paul Brinkman & Mark Perry, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2009, 39(3) 564- 572 [download]

Mundane pleasures in everyday life,

Marije Kanis, Antti Salovaara & Willem-Paul Brinkman, Proceedings of SIMTech '08, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2008 [download]

Minimal Connectedness: Exploring the effects of positive messaging using mobile technology,

Marije Kanis, Mark Perry & Willem-Paul Brinkman, Proceedings of CHI '08, Florence, Italy, 5-10 April, 2008, 2513-2522 [download]


Technologies for mental wellness,

Marije Kanis, Mark Perry & Willem-Paul Brinkman, Proceedings of CHI '08 Workshop on Technology and Mental Health, Florence, Italy, 5-10 April, 2008, 68-71 [download]


Designing technologies that encourage the sharing of positive emotions,

Marije Kanis & Willem-Paul Brinkman, Emotion in HCI: Joint proceedings of the 2005-2007 International Workshops, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, 2008 [download]


What do people like? The design of a mobile tool to harness and share positive thoughts,

Marije Kanis & Willem-Paul Brinkman, Proceedings of ECCE 2007, London, August 28-31, 2007, 191-198 [download]


Facilitating socio-pleasure as mediated by ubiquitous technology,

Marije Kanis, Brinkman, Willem-Paul Brinkman & Robert MacRedie, Proceedings of ECCE13, Zürich, 2006, 117-118 [download]


Developing wearable devices for social networking

Niall Winters & Marije Kanis, In Less is more - Simple Computing in an age of complexity International Forum, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom, April 2005

The ubiquitous learning space,

Niall Winters, Marije Kanis, Stefan Agamanolis & Richard Noss, CAL 2005 Symposium, Bristol, UK, April 2005


Toward wearable social networking with iBand,

Marije Kanis, Niall Winters, Stefan Agamanolis & Cian Cullinan, CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, Portland, 5-7 April, 2005 [download]


iBand: a wearable device for handshake- augmented interpersonal information exchange,

Marije Kanis, Niall Winters, Stefan Agamanolis & Cian Cullinan, adjunct Proceedings of Ubicomp, International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Nottingham, September 2004 [download]


iBand: A social networking device for handshake augmented exchange of personal design and information

Marije Kanis, Invited participation & dossier publication for Open Doors, Project Leaders Round table, Amsterdam, November 2004


The WANDerful Alcove: Encouraging constructive social interaction with a socially transforming interface,

Marije Kanis, Stefan Agamanolis, Cati Vaucelle & Glorianna Davenport, Proceedings of INTERACT 2003 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Zurich, 1-5 September 2003 [download]